Third USDA Symposium on Greenhouse Gases and

Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry


March 22-24, 2005

Baltimore, Maryland



Tuesday, March 22: Opening Plenary Session


Room: International A-C


8:15 a.m.    Welcome, Logistics, and Introduction

                  Charles Rice, Kansas State University

                  Bruce Knight, Chief, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service


8:30 a.m.    Keynote Address

                  James L. Connaughton, Chair, White House Council on Environmental Quality


9:00 a.m.    Inventory Systems/Technologies and Practices/Decision Support Systems - Agriculture Overview. Charles Rice, Kansas State University.


9:30 a.m.    Inventory Systems/Technologies and Practices/Decision Support Systems -   Forestry Overview. Richard Birdsey, USDA Forest Service.


10:00 a.m.  Morning Break


10:30 a.m.  Panel Discussion. Moderator: William Hohenstein, Director, USDA Global Change Program Office


                  Panel Members:

                  - Agriculture: Troy Bredenkamp, American Farm Bureau Federation

                  - Forestry: Robert Prolman, Weyerhauser Corporation

                  - NGO: Gordon Smith, Environmental Defense

                  - Policy: John Reilly, MIT


11:30 a.m.  Questions and Comments





Tuesday, March 22


12:00 p.m.  Luncheon.

                  Speaker: Jack Williams, USA Today “Communicating Science to the Public”






Tuesday, March 22: Session 1A


Dominant Theme: Bioenergy

Room: International A

Moderator: Harvey Bolton, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


1:30 p.m.    Greenhouse Gas Reduction Opportunities via Processing Agricultural Residues in Rural Biorefineries.  Kiran Kadam, PureVision Technology, Inc.


1:50 p.m.    Evaluating Strategies for Biomass Fuel Production in New York State.  Peter  B. Woodbury, Cornell University.


2:10 p.m.   Growing Energy:  How Biofuels Can Help End America's Energy Dependence.  Jeff Fiedler, National Resources Defence Council.


2:30 p.m.    Biomethanol Production and CO2 Emission Reduction from Forage Grasses, Trees and Residues of Crops.  Hitoshi Nakagawa, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS).


2:50 p.m.  Grass Bioenergy in the Northeastern USA.  Jerry Cherney, Cornell University.


3:10 p.m.    Afternoon Break


Tuesday, March 22: Session 1B


Dominant Theme: Inventory, Observations, Measurements, Monitoring

Room: International A

Moderator: Jeff Smith, Washington State University


3:40 p.m.  Estimating the Economic Potential for Agricultural Soil Carbon  Sequestration in the Central U.S. Using an Aggregate Econometric-Process  Simulation Model.  Susan Capalbo, Montana State University.


4:00 p.m.  Rangeland Carbon Fluxes in the Northern Great Plains.  Bruce Wylie, SAIC, USGS National Center, EROS. 


4:20 p.m.  Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation with Feedlot Cattle Manure Application.  Chi Chang, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.


4:40 p.m.    Impact of Tree Species on Carbon in Swedish Forest Soils.  Maj-Britt Johansson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).






Tuesday, March 22: Session 2


Dominant Theme: Applications and Decision Support Systems

Room: International B

Moderator: Scott Staggenborg, Kansas State University


1:30 p.m.   Estimating and Comparing the Levelized Cost ($/ton CO2e) of  Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions Associated with Four Different Approaches to Developing and Managing Forest Carbon Sequestration Projects.  Adam Diamant, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).


1:50 p.m.    Toward Resolution of the Conflicting Joint Interest in Carbon Sequestration. Gary Lynne, University of Nebraska.


2:10 p.m.   Assessing Alternatives for Mitigating Net Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Increasing Yields from Rice Production in China Over the Next 20 Years. Changsheng Li, University of New Hampshire.


2:30 p.m.   Overview of Electric Power Industry UtiliTree Carbon Company and PowerTree Carbon Company Programs.  John Kinsman, Edison Electric Institute.


2:50 p.m.   Development of Maine Forestry Climate Change Mitigation Options and Results of Full Life Cycle Benefit and Cost Analysis.  Thomas D. Peterson, Penn State University.


3:10 p.m.    Afternoon Break


3:40 p.m.    Simulation of the Effects of Manure Quality, Soil Type, and Climate on N and  Supply to Sorghum and Pigeon Pea in Semi-Arid Tropical India.  Sucharitha Revanuru, ICRISAT. 


4:00 p.m.   Economic Analysis of Efficient Risk Allocation in Contracts to Sequester Carbon in Agriculture and Forestry.  Adeyemi Esuola, University of Guelph.


4:20 p.m.   Projecting Private Forest Investment and Forest Carbon with the Forest and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model – Green House Gas.  Lucas Bair, USDA-Forest Service.


4:40 p.m.    Short-Term and Long-Term Approaches to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from “Land Use, Land Use Change, Bioproducts & Transport” Systems.  Arthur C. Riedacker, INRA.






Tuesday, March 22: Session 3A


Dominant Theme: Technologies and Practices

Room: International C

Moderator: Larry Jacobson, University of Minnesota


1:30 p.m.    Wetlands Restoration and the Emerging Carbon Market.  Richard G. Kempka, Ducks Unlimited, Inc.


1:50 p.m.  Disturbance and Recovery of Soil C Following Infrequent Activities.  Richard Conant, Colorado State University.


2:10 p.m.   Miscanthus: Climate Change Mitigation Potential of a High Yielding Energy Crop in Illinois.  Emily Heaton, University of Illinois.


2:30 p.m.    Carbon Sequestration in Spring Wheat Producing Regions of the Northern Great Plains.  Dean Bangsund, North Dakota State University.


2:50 p.m.   Utilization of Conservation Tillage Practices to Rebuild Organic Carbon in a Sandy, Coastal Plain Soil.  Jeff Novak, USDA- Agricultural Research Service.


3:10 p.m.    Afternoon Break


Tuesday, March 22: Session 3B


Dominant Theme: Inventory, Observations, Measurements, Monitoring

Room: International C

Moderator: Larry Jacobson, University of Minnesota


3:40 p.m.    Annual CO2 Exchange in Irrigated and Rainfed Maize-Based Agro Ecosystems.  Shashi. B Verma, University of Nebraska.


4:00 p.m.    Carbon Sequestration by Hybrid Poplars in the Pacific Northwest.  Jon D. Johnson, Washington State University. 


4:20 p.m.   Simulating Historical Soil Carbon Dynamics in Semi-Arid Rangelands. Allison Thomson, Joint Global Change Research Institute.


4:40 p.m.   Effect of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) on Soil Carbon. Jay Atwood, USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service.






Tuesday, March 22: Session 4


Dominant Theme: International Focus on the Science of Inventory, Observations, Measurement, and Monitoring

Room: Carroll Room

Moderator: Patricia Garffer, USAID, Office of Environment and Science Policy


1:30 p.m.    Comments from Patricia Garffer, USAID


1:40 p.m.    Alice Ruhweza, Uganda


2:10 p.m.    Peter Grace, Australia


2:40 p.m.    Cesar Izaurralde, PNNL


3:10 p.m.    Afternoon Break


3:40 p.m.    Bert VandenBygaart, Canada


4:10 p.m.    Telmo Amado, Brazil


4:40 p.m.    Discussion






Tuesday, March 23


6:00-8:00 p.m. Poster Session and Catered Reception (International D-E, Foyer)






Wednesday, March 23: Session 5


Dominant Theme: Inventory, Observations, Measurement, and Monitoring

Room: International A

Moderator: Phil Gassman, Iowa State University


8:00 a.m.    Full C-Cost Accounting and Global Warming Potential of Irrigated and Rainfed Maize-Based Cropping Systems that Produce Renewable Energy from Grain.  Daniel Walters, University of Nebraska.


8:20 a.m.   Changes in Soil- and Litter-C Stocks with Progressive Farming Practices in Irrigated and Rainfed Maize-Based Agroecosystems.  Achim Dobermann, University of Nebraska.


8:40 a.m.    Permanence Discounting for Land-Based Carbon Sequestration.  Bruce McCarl, Texas A&M University.


9:00 a.m.   Spatial Variation of Carbon Dioxide and Energy Balance Fluxes Among Corn and Soybean Fields in Central Iowa.  Jerry Hatfield, USDA-Agricultural Research Service.


9:20 a.m.  Rapid Identification and Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon Forms Using Pyrolysis Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry.  Kim Magrini, National Renewable Energy Laboratory.


9:40 a.m.    Open


10:00 a.m.  Afternoon Break


10:30 a.m.  Spatial Distribution of Lignin Biopolymers and Aggregate Stability of Forest and Tilled Soil Types. E.J. Park, Michigan State University.


10:50 a.m.  Determining Amounts of Carbon Loss and Change in Carbon Isotope Values from Soils Due to Biomass Burning.  Scott Werts, Johns Hopkins University.


11:10 a.m.  Studies on Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Carbon Flux in a Forested Region in Suburban Baltimore.  John L. Hom, USDA-Forest Service. 


11:30 a.m.  Carbon Dynamics of Fire Management in the New Jersey Pinelands.  Kenneth Clark, USDA-Forest Service.






Wednesday, March 23: Session 6A


Dominant Theme: N2O and Methane Mitigation

Room: International B

Moderator: Cesar Izaurralde, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


8:00 a.m.    Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Soils Receiving Combinations of Dairy Manure and Mineral Nitrogen Fertilizers.  Curtis Dell, USDA- Agricultural Research Service.


8:20 a.m.    Physical and Microbial Controls over Trace Gas Fluxes Following Initial Cultivation.  A. Stuart Grandy, Michigan State University.


8:40 a.m.    Agricultural Soil N2O Emissions in the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory: A Comparison of Methodologies. Margaret Walsh, ICF Consulting.


9:00 a.m.  DAYCENT National Scale Simulations of N2O Emissions from Cropped  Soils in the USA.  Stephen Del Grosso, USDA- Agricultural Research Service.


9:20 a.m.    Nitrous Oxide Losses Are Increased Under No-Tillage and Early Fertilization.  Ivy Tan, Cornell University.


9:40 a.m.    Factors Affecting Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Croplands in Asia and Potential Mitigation Options.  Xiaoyuan Yan, Frontier Research Center for Global Change.


10:00 a.m.  Morning Break


Wednesday, March 23: Session 6B


Dominant Theme: Applications and Decision Support Systems

Room: International B

Moderator: Cesar Izaurralde, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


10:30 a.m.  Competitiveness of Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Offsets: Are They a Bridge to the Future? Ronald D. Sands, Joint Global Change Research Institute.


10:50 a.m.  Field-Scale Variation in Nitrogen Use Efficiency and the Agronomic.  David Huggins, USDA- Agricultural Research Service.


11:10 a.m.  Transaction Costs of Project-Based Carbon Reduction: Evidence from the Forestry Sector.  Camille Antinori, NETL.


11:30 a.m. Open






Wednesday, March 23: Session 7


Dominant Theme: Inventory, Observations, Measurement, and Monitoring

Room: International C

Moderator: Mike Jawson, USDA-ARS


8:00 a.m.   Potential for Soil Carbon Sink Enhancement in Three Northern Great Plains States.  Karen Updegraff, SD School of Mines & Technology.


8:20 a.m.    Carbon Budget of Mature No-till Ecosystem in North Central Region of the United States.  Carl Bernacchi, Illinois State Water Survey.


8:40 a.m.   Estimating the Potential Carbon Supply from Changes in Land Use: Afforestation of Grazing Lands in the USA as a Case Study.  Sandra Brown, Winrock International.


9:00 a.m.    Management Effects on Carbon Dioxide Exchange over Northeastern Pastures.  Howard Skinner, USDA- Agricultural Research Service.


9:20 a.m.   Effects of Land Use Change on Forest Carbon Budgets Throughout the Southern USA from 1900 to 2050.  Peter. B Woodbury, Cornell University.


9:40 a.m.   CarboInvent - Multi-source Inventory Methods for Quantifying Carbon Stocks and Stock Changes in European Forests.  Bernhard Schlamadinger, Joanneum Research.


10:00 a.m.  Morning Break


10:30 a.m.  Forest Carbon Dynamics under Changing Atmospheric Chemistry and  Climate in the Mid-Atlantic Region.  Yude Pan, USDA-Forest Service.


10:50 a.m.  Spatial and Temporal Patterns of the Contemporary Carbon Sources and  Sinks in the Ridge and Valley Ecoregion of the United States. Shuguang Liu, SAIC, USGS National Center for EROS.


11:10 a.m.  Significant Bomb C-14 Responses in Soils Below 30 cm Depth:  A Previously Unrecognized Decadal C Pool? W. Troy Baisden, Landcare Research NewZealand Ltd.


11:30 a.m.  Open






Wednesday, March 23: Session 8A


Dominant Theme: Below-Ground Processes

Room: Carroll Room

Moderator: Alexander Friend, USDA Forest Service, and William Horwath, University of California-Davis


8:00 a.m.   Simulating Carbon Dynamics in Forests - What May We Learn From Agriculturalists? P. V. Bolstad, University of Minnesota.


8:20 a.m.    Carbon Input, Aggregate Stability, and Carbon Stabilization in Mediterranean Cropping Systems. Angela Kong, University of California-Davis.


8:40 a.m.    Evaluating Changes in Landscape-scale Soil Organic C Due to Tillage.  Dennis Rolston, University of California-Davis.


9:00 a.m.    Belowground Carbon Allocation in Forests in Response to Global Change.  Christian Giardina, USDA-Forest Service.


9:20 a.m.   The “Carbon Cascade” into Forest Soils: BioticControl Points, With a Focus on Mycorrhizal Fungi.  Erik Lilleskov, USDA-Forest Service.


9:40 a.m.    Impact of Nitrogen Fertilization and Crop Rotations on Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration and Soil Quality.  David Laird, USDA–Agricultural Research Service. 


10:00 a.m.  Morning Break



Wednesday, March 23: Session 8B


Dominant Theme: Inventory, Observations, Measurement, and Monitoring

Room: Carroll Room

Moderator: Larry Jacobson, University of Minnesota


10:30 a.m.  Assessing the Effectiveness of Mine Land Reclamation to Off-Set GHG Emissions.  Mark Sperow, West Virginia University. 


10:50 a.m.  Comparison of Tower and Aircraft Eddy Covariance Measurement of CO2 and H2O Fluxes Over Corn and Soybean Fields in Central Iowa. John Prueger, USDA-Agricultural Research Service. 


11:10 a.m.  Assessing the Usefulness of Simple Mathematical Models to Describe the Soil Carbon Dynamics.  Armen R. Kemanian, Washington State University.


11:30 a.m.  Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Accumulation of Rhizoma Perennial Peanut and Bahiagrass Grown under Elevated CO2 and Temperature.  L. H. Allen, USDA-Agricultural Research Service. 






Wednesday, March 23: Session 9


Dominant Theme: Inventory, Observations, Measurement, and Monitoring

Room: International A

Moderator: Scott Staggenborg, Kansas State University


1:30 p.m.    Modeling Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agricultural Systems.  Armen Kemanian, Washington State University.


1:50 p.m.   BioSAR: A VHF Radar for the Airborne Measurement of Terrestrial Biomass and Carbon.  Patrick Johnson, Zimmerman Associates, Inc.


2:10 p.m.   Moisture Controls on Trace Gas Fluxes in Semiarid Soils.  Dean Martens, USDA- Agricultural Research Service.


2:30 p.m.    Forest Management Impacts on Carbon - Some Counter Intuitive Findings.  Bruce Lippke, University of Washington.


2:50 p.m.   Inventorying Agricultural Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Methods Used by Annex 1 Countries.  Erandathie Lokupitiya, Colorado State University.


3:10 p.m.    Afternoon Break


3:40 p.m.   Effects of Cropland Abandonment and Forest Regrowth on Terrestrial Carbon Storage in Southeastern U.S.  Hua Chen, Auburn University School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences.


4:00 p.m.   Biological, Chemical and Physical Sequestration of Soil Carbon in Response to Tillage.  K. Rafik Islam, The Ohio State University.


4:20 p.m.    Forest Soil Carbon Spatial Variation and Precision Accounting on Mined Land.  Beyhan Amichev, Virginia Tech University.


4:40 p.m.   Collaboration Between NASA and USDA for Carbon Management. Edwin Sheffner, NASA.






Wednesday, March 23: Session 10


Dominant Theme: Applications and Decision Support Systems

Room: International B

Moderator: Debbie Reed, National Environmental Trust


1:30 p.m.   The Agriculture Sector in a Carbon-Constrained World.  Jeff Fiedler, NRDC.


1:50 p.m.   Modeling Long-Term Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics as Affected by Management and Water Erosion.  R. Cesar Izaurralde, Joint Global Change Research Institute.


2:10 p.m.    The Impact of Albedo Change on Carbon Sequestration Strategies. Maithilee Kunda, MIT.


2:30 p.m.   Mainstreaming Payments/Incentives for Ecosystem Services in Regional and National Planning/Policy Dimensions.  Alice Ruhweza, NEMA-UGANDA.


2:50 p.m.   Climate Change Projection Impact on Soil Carbon and Other Environmental Indicators for the Upper Mississippi River Basin. Philip Gassman, Iowa State University.


3:10 p.m.    Afternoon Break


3:40 p.m.   Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir Forestry Operations. Edie Sonne Hall, University of Washington.


4:00 p.m.   Making Carbon-Trading Mechanisms Accessible to Indigenous Groups: Lessons From Working with Maori in New Zealand.  W. Troy Baisden, Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd.


4:20 p.m.   Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Assess Virginia’s Best  Options for Sequestering Carbon through Improved Land-Use Management.  Jeff Galang, Virginia Tech University.






Wednesday, March 23: Session 11


Dominant Theme: Inventory, Observations, Measurement, and Monitoring

Room: International C

Moderator: Bryce Stokes, USDA Forest Service


1:30 p.m.   Carbon and Microbial Community Dynamics After Addition of 13C-Labelled Grain Sorghum Residue.  Paul White, Kansas State University.


1:50 p.m.   A Comprehensive Environmental and Economic Assessment Method Applied to the Southwest Michigan Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Cropping Experiment.  Susan Subak, ISSE, NCAR.


2:10 p.m.   Costs and Benefits of Reducing Uncertainty in Accounting for Soil C Credits.  Richard Conant, Colorado State University.


2:30 p.m.    Carbon Sequestration in Southeast US: Ecosystem Responses to Multiple Stresses.  Hanqin Tian, Auburn University.


2:50 p.m.    Forest Carbon Growth and Yield Tables and Uncertainty for U.S. Forest Types.  James Smith, USDA-Forest Service.


3:10 p.m.    Afternoon Break


3:40 p.m.   On-Farm Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in New York State.  Jenifer Wightman, Cornell University.


4:00 p.m.    Estimating Leakage from Forest and Agricultural Carbon Sequestration Projects.  Brian C. Murray, RTI International.


4:20 p.m.    Effects of Urban Land-Use Change on Soil Carbon Pools and Fluxes.  Richard Pouyat, USDA-Forest Service.


4:40 p.m.   Alternative Approaches to Quantifying and Reporting Carbon Sequestration Projects: The Case of Afforestation.  Allan Sommer, RTI International.






Wednesday, March 23: Session 12A


Dominant Theme: Technologies and Practices

Room: Carroll Room

Moderator: Luis Tupas, USDA-CSREES


1:30 p.m.   An Economic Feasibility Analysis of Manure Applications and No-Tillage for Soil Carbon Sequestration in Corn Production. Dustin Pendell, Kansas State University.


1:50 p.m.   Compensated Reduction:  An Innovative Framework To Provide Incentives For Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Tropical Deforestation.  Annie Petsonk, Environmental Defense.


2:10 p.m.   Economic Analysis of Soil Carbon Sequestration:Dynamic Model on Corn and Soybean in the Midwest US.  Suk-won Choi, Ohio State University.


2:30 p.m.   Measuring Carbon Co-Benefits of Agricultural Conservation Policies: In-stream vs. Edge-of-Field Assessments of Water Quality.  Silvia Secchi, Iowa State University.


2:50 p.m.    Open.


3:10 p.m.    Afternoon Break






Wednesday, March 23: Session 12B


Dominant Theme: Inventory, Observations, Measurement, and Monitoring

Room: Carroll Room

Moderator: Luis Tupas, USDA-CSREES


3:40 p.m.   In-Situ NIR Spectroscopy to Measure Carbon and Other Soil Attributes. Colin Christy, Veris Technologies.


4:00 p.m.   Pressure Pumping Effects on Soil Efflux Measurements of CO2.  Alan J. Ideris, University of California-Davis.


4:20 p.m.   Annualized Forest Carbon Estimates for U.S. National Greenhouse Gas Reporting.  Linda Heath, USDA-Forest Service.


4:40 p.m.    Carbon Sequestration in the Upper Mississippi River Basin: Implications for Geographical Distribution of Economic Benefits.  Lyubov Kurkalova, Iowa State University.






Wednesday, March 23


6:30-8:00 p.m. Banquet

                  Speaker: J. Read Smith, Former President - National Association of Conservation Districts; Small Grains and Cattle Producer, St. John, Washington; Co-Chair of the "25 X 25" Agriculture Energy Working Group






Thursday, March 24: Session 13


Dominant Theme: Inventory, Observations, Measurement, and Monitoring

Room: International A

Moderator: Marilyn Buford, USDA Forest Service


8:00 a.m.   Soil Moisture and Temperature Constraints on Fine Root Dynamics, Plant Growth, and Photosynthetic Activity in a Mediterranean Forest in the Sierra Nevada, CA.  Alexander Gershenson, University of California-Santa Cruz.


8:20 a.m.    Carbon Sequestration Following Stand Replacing Fires in Spanish Woodlands.  Jason Kaye, Penn State University.


8:40 a.m.   Soil Structure and C Sequestration Under No-Tillage Management. Gayoung Yoo, University of Illinois.


9:00 a.m.   DOE’s Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships Initiative: Developing Infrastructure and Validating Carbon Sequestration Technologies.  John Litynski. U.S. DOE NETL.


9:20 a.m.   Factors Controlling Carbon Sequestration at Howland Forest, Maine: Long-term Trends, Interannual Variability, and Forest Management Impacts.  Neal Scott, Woods Hole Research Center.


9:40 a. m.   The 100-Year Method for Corporate Accounting of Carbon Stored in Products-In-Use.  Reid Miner, NCASI.


10:00 a.m.  Morning Break






Thursday, March 24: Session 14


Dominant Theme: Technologies and Practices

Room: International B

Moderator: Mike Jawson, USDA-ARS


8:00 a.m.    Tillage and Corn-Soybean Sequence Effects on Carbon Dynamics Estimated from Natural C-13 Abundance.  David Huggins, USDA- Agricultural Research Service.


8:20 a.m.   Carbon Pools and Dynamics in Mineral Soil Horizons of Boreal Forests Along a Climatic Gradient in Sweden.  Hooshang Majdi, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 


8:40 a.m.    Aggregating and Trading Anaerobic Digester Carbon Credits.  David Townsend, Premium Standard Farms Inc.


9:00 a.m.    Incorporated Source Carbon and Nitrogen Fertilizer Influence on Sequestered Carbon and Soluble Silica in a Pacific Northwest Mollisol.  Hero Gollany, USDA- Agricultural Research Service.


9:20 a.m.   Effect of Different Management Practices on Soil Carbon Sequestration in Kansas.  Karina Fabrizzi, Kansas State University.


9:40 a.m.    Open


10:00 a.m.  Morning Break






Thursday, March 24: Session 15


Dominant Theme: 1605(b)

Room: International C

Moderator: William Hohenstein, Director, USDA Global Change Program Office


8:00 a.m.    Mark Friedrichs, U.S. Department of Energy


8:30 a.m.    William Hohenstein, Director, USDA Global Change Program Office


9:00 a.m.    Carbon Accounting Rules and Guidelines for the United States Forest Sector.  Richard Birdsey, USDA- Forest Service.


9:30 a.m.    Estimating Soil C changes for the US 1605(b) Program ‘Voluntary  Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation’.  John Brenner, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service.


10:00 a.m.  Morning Break






Thursday, March 24: Session 16


Dominant Theme: Black Carbon / Carbon Stabilization

Room: Carroll Room

Moderator: Rich Conant, Colorado State University


8:00 a.m.    Black Carbon Sequestration in Soil – A New Frontier.  Johannes Lehmann, Cornell University.


8:20 a.m.    Enhancing Soil Humification: Insights from a Model System.  James E. Amonette, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.


8:40 a.m.    Accounting for Black C in the Modeling of Soil Organic Matter Turnover.  Saran Sohi, Agriculture & the Environment Division.


9:00 a.m.   Greenhouse Gas Emissions Decrease with Charcoal Additions to Tropical Soils.  Marco Rondon, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical.


9:20 a.m.   Iron Stabilization of Crop Residues as a Novell Land Management Practise for Sequestering Carbon in the Agricultural Sector. Geoff Whiteley, University of Leeds.


9:40 a.m.    Long-Term Sequestration of Carbon in Soils Using Charcoal from Renewable Energy Production.  Keshav C. Das, University of Georgia.


10:00 a.m.  Morning Break






Thursday, March 24: Plenary Concluding Discussion Panel


Room: International A-C

Moderator: William Hohenstein, Director, USDA Global Change Program Office


10:30 a.m.  Plenary Concluding Discussion Panel


                  Panel Members:


                  - Forestry: Eric D. Vance, Manager - Forest Carbon Cycle and Productivity, National Council for Air Stream Improvement


                  - Academic: Phil Robertson, Michigan State University


                  - NGO: Debbie Reed, National Environmental Trust


                  - Aggregator: Ag Cert, Inc.


                  - NGO: Suzie Greenhalgh, World Resources Institute


12:30 p.m.  Adjourn