From Kansas State University's:
Consortium for Agricultural Soils Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (CASMGS)
Charles W. Rice, K-State Department of Agronomy, National CASMGS Director
(785) 532-7217
Scott Staggenborg, K-State Department of Agronomy (785) 532-7214
Steve Watson, CASMGS Communications (785) 532-7105
December 23, 2009
New USDA Report On
The Impact
Of Climate Change on Agriculture
Based on a consensus of recent scientific research and modeling, a new report
from USDA concludes that climate change is already affecting U.S. agriculture,
land resources, water resources and biodiversity. The report, "The Effects of
Climate Change on U.S. Ecosystems," identifies many of the effects of climate
change on agriculture and other ecosystems in the U.S. over the next several
decades. The USDA report was done in cooperation with the University
Corporation for Atmospheric Research and the U.S. Global Change Research Program
Some of the report’s main points:
* Grain and oilseed crops will mature more rapidly, but increasing temperatures
will heighten the risk of crop failures, particularly where precipitation
decreases or becomes more variable.
* Marketable yield of horticultural crops (such as tomato, onion, and fruit) are
more vulnerable to climate change than grains and oilseed crops due to the high
sensitivity of their quality and appearance to climate factors.
* Livestock mortality will decrease with warmer winters but this will be more
than offset by greater mortality in hotter summers. Hotter temperatures also
will result in reduced productivity of livestock and dairy animals, due to
changes in consumption and lower pregnancy rates.
* Weeds that can thwart agriculture production grow more rapidly under elevated
atmospheric CO2, extend their range northward, and are less sensitive to
herbicide applications.
* Disease and pest prevalence will escalate as a result of shorter, warmer
winters, challenging crop, livestock, and forest systems.
* The trends toward reduced mountain snowpack and earlier spring snowmelt runoff
in the Western U.S., and toward increasing drought in the West and Southwest,
imply changes in the availability of water and a need to monitor the performance
of reservoir systems with implications for water management and irrigated
agriculture in that region.
* Climate change is inducing shifts in plant species in rangelands, favoring the
establishment of perennial herbaceous species that reduce soil water
availability early in the growing season. Shorter winters, however, decrease the
need for seasonal forage reserves.
For the complete report, see:
-- Steve Watson, CASMGS Communications