Friend, Alexander L. (USDA-FS, NCRSUSDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station, Houghton, MI, 49931; Phone: 906-482-6303x22; Fax: 906-482-6355; Email:
A. L. Friend*
The Northern Institute of Applied Carbon Science (NIACS) is a partnership among the USDA Forest Service (North Central and Northeastern Research Stations), the Forest Carbon Consortium (within the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement) and Michigan Technological University. The organization seeks to advance carbon management (both bioenergy and sequestration) in northern forests of the United States and Canada by connecting end-users (land managers and policy makers, carbon credit purchasers) with the necessary research information to manage forests for carbon, and by connecting researchers with the needs of the end user. This bridging function is being accomplished by direct and active involvement of NIACS in three key output areas:
(1) enhancing research effectiveness by playing an active role in identifying research needs and developing research partnerships, (2) generating or assembling key research information to aid carbon management, and (3) improving awareness of carbon management techniques and opportunities. Current activities of NIACS in these three areas will be discussed, as will opportunities for partnering in the realm of carbon management in northern forests.