Fiyalkovskyy, Oleksandr (Tetiiv Institute of Agroecology
and Biotechnology, 15, Stepovoy
Street, Kashperivka, Tetiiv area, Kyiv region, 09812, Ukraine; Phone: +380 4460 26370; Fax: +380 4460 26370;
of Carbon in Natural and Anthropogenic Ecosystems of Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine
O. Fiyalkovskyy *
balance in ecosystem and entrance of this greenhouse gas in atmosphere is defined by correlation of
velocities of two global processes – СО2 emission as a result of respiration of
soil heterotrophic
and animals, decomposing
a fall, and СО2
flow in the form of pure initial production of plants. In the natural
ecosystems flow of the carbon predominates, or value
of СО2
balance is close to zero. Agrocenosises are traditionally considered as one of
the main sources of СО2 and the other greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere owing
to violations of carbon rotation in ecosystem leading to intensification of
mineralisation of soil organic substance. In order to correct global СО2 emission from arable soils
of Ukraine it is necessary to estimate an influence of the most frequently used farming methods in
agriculture on carbon balance in agrocenosises. Taking into consideration the
necessity of reduction of greenhouse gases concentration in atmosphere and binding them together in
stable forms of organic substance, farming methods, providing the carbon balance
with no deficit, should
be revealed. Purpose of the present research was to study the carbon balance in ecosystem and in the soil under the
cultivation of crops and also carbon accumulation under plowland grassing and
forest overgrowing of arable soils. The researches were conducted on the grey
forest soils 10
km west of village Volodarka. Carbon balance in crops of maize, spring barley and winter wheat were
calculated on field experiment plots, differing by crop rotation type,
fertilizer doses and type of soil cultivation during period from 1999 to 2003.
Influence of artificial plowland grassing was studied in 2003 - 2004. Compound of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis),
timothy (Phleum pratense) and meadow clover (Trifolium pratense)
was sowed on the old-arable eroded grey forest soils in 1991. Influence of natural forest restoration grey forest soil
was studied on the plot of secondary mixed forest measuring 10 x 10 m from 2000
to 2004. Average age of the trees 35-45 years. Contribution of root respiration into СО2
emission from soil was studied. It was calculated carbon balance in natural
and agroecosystems. Estimation of carbon balance in agroecosystems on grey
forest soils revealed that even under low level of the agrotechnics without
fertilizer use negative carbon balance in agrocenosis and in soil is observed
only in black fallow under spring barley cultivation. In all the rest of
agrocenosises (winter wheat, maize, buckwheat) carbon balance was with no deficit. In the 13
years of plowland
grassing the content of organic carbon in the 0 – 0,25 m soil layer increased
by 22 –25%, and the reserves of microbial carbon increased by two times. Thus,
farming method, allowing to change carbon balance in the soil radically toward
its increase, without completely excluding the soil from agricultural rotation, is artificial
grassing of soil. Plowland grassing of arable soils can be one of the
prospective methods of reducing СО2 concentration in the
atmosphere and carbon
accumulation in the soil, particularly in natural zones, where steppe
associations are natural vegetation. In the time of resumption of natural
forest vegetation on the old-arable eroded grey forest soils doubling of organic carbon reserves can be